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Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Friday, July 2, 2010

short post before i call it a day.stupid twitter for the past two days.idiot auto teller machines in paris van java cause i CAN'T withdraw money.i am so annoyed and totally irritated.so please ignore me.i am in a very..very..very..moody moody,ok?i'm sorry if terasa ke apa ke..tak mean pun.but i think no one kena apa2 kot..huhu..ok,pundakku udah terasa pegal2 gitu..aku lagi pada tidur ni..capek banget..ttyl,chiowz~

2 pssstt:

smile said...

sabor kak lola :)
smile ,cheese!`

Lola MK said...

penat seyh datang jauh2 nak beli bday present utk kudin,nk shopping lg,skali taleh kuar dut..panas ati jd nye..haha..

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