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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

malam ni la liga start..wuhuu~

Sunday, August 29, 2010

apa cerita hari ni?malam ni real madrid lawan.haha!

sebenarnya bukan itu yang nak dikongsi..tapi rasa banyak nak cerita,cuma tak terluah je.

ohh!!kudos to beesha sebab introduce game baru to me!baru download game tu.ok fine tipu.adin yang tolong download kan.thank you sayang.and memang addicted habis la.haha!been playing the game every morning and night.haha!thank you beesha~

mizah suggested to watch this one tv show called giuliana & bill or something..she thought of us as those two in the show,but since the internet is being impossibly "fast"..so i couldn't find the chance to watch it,just yet.

last night i got a bad news from ibu.there's a highly possible that i'm not going to be an aunt next year.maybe i asked too much that ibu raised her voice.terasa gila~sumpah kecik hati.macam aku pulak yang bersalah.tapi mungkin kerana "doraemon" aku banyak sangat,that's why emosi tak hingat!tak apalah.it was without purpose la lola..

so sebenarnya dah TER"down" hari ni.dengar lagu raya pun tak ada feel.rasa macam tak nak balik raya.sedih sangat.hoi lola!jangan simpan dalam hati la sengal!

ok rasa menyampah dengan diri sendiri.belum balik raya dah rasa tak best.great.lola.sila hantuk kepala kat dinding sebab mengada2.tolong jangan jadi bangang sebab esok dah mula kelas.

ok.emosi gila habis punya post kali ni.

perkataan favourite baru : ranggi.

2 pssstt:

~fiOnAbEE~ said...

hahahaha!! glad u like it! mmg bes kan..n mmg xleh lepas ar once da maen! hihi..

Lola MK said...

huhu~thanks beesha~=)

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