halo!halo!ni bukan lagu beyonce halo ye..ok.hari ni buat julung2 kalinya aku nak join a blog contest since i was tagged by Anum.nama contest ni ialah ENTRY GUA BEST BANGAT! dianjurkan oleh encik Hiro..pemilik blog Akal Tunjang. since i never entered any blog contest before,i really hope that i do it the right way.kalau salah tolong tunjukkan ye..haa..pada siapa2 yang terasa nak join,kalau sempat mehla memeriahkan suasana.nak join?haa..click here to get more info about the contest!
ala2 award Oscar..hehe
aku sebenarnya tengah dalam keadaan serabut dengan emosi yang tak menentu sebab kehadiran encik exam yang menggegar jiwa.rasa macam tak ada mood tapi atas dasar sayang dan menghargai usaha sahabat kesayanganku Anum Toink Toink,aku layan jugak walaupun sedar yang aku tak ada entry best2 nak tayang kat orang.huhu..thanks Anum..
haa..mintak maaf laa encik amir syahir yaakob.bukan niat nak kasi panjang2 intro nya,sekadar nak berkongsi rasa.ok2.memandangkan tak ada entry yang rasanya layak untuk dipertandingkan,saya sekadar menghantar kisah pengalaman percutian saya ke jakarta.oh ya..saya ni adrenaline junkie.itu sebab la saya pertaruhkan entry ni.sebab ni paling banyak adrenalin yang pernah saya dapat dalam satu hari..huhu..sila bersabar dengan entry yang panjang lebar,and please enjoy. =)
good morning people!ok.selamat hari jumaat.i'd like to talk about something that has been bothering me for the past couple of days.but i guess that can wait cause i've been malas on posting about my trip to jakarta.jadi,ayuh aku dulukan kisah adventure and then dah tak payah nak cerita2 lagi kan?aku malas nak fikir2 lagi.nak naik 3rd year ni banyak lagi nak fikir.huhu..ok.i'll try to make it short ok.here it goes..
finally we decided to go to Jakarta.in the morning we took the damri bus,a service like transnasional and plusliner in Malaysia but not up to that level laa..hehe..since the air conditioned bus was 3rd in the line and we were in a rush,so we just took the old bus which was first to go.siap stop kat tepi highway tu,the engine was too hot.tapi baru 1st trip.apakah??haha!menunjukkan betapa old school bas itu. ;P
sampai Dipatiukur,we took a taxi straight to Bandung Trade Center (BTC) where cipaganti traveller's center was located.luckily,we were able to change our departing time to an hour earlier.bought 2 chicken sandwiches and a large sized iced lemon tea and off we went..
we dropped off at Mangga Dua Square and began our hotel hunting.the plan was actually one hour turned out to be 2 hours.hajar had suggested a nice hotel indeed,but we found another affordable and nicer hotel.the most important thing,the hotel was nearer to Ancol!i'd say it would be the nearest hotel.untuk luar Ancol la..
sampai2.lepak2 dulu.that very night we went out to WTC,i don't know what does it stand for anyway.took our dinner at A&W.nak balik tapi hujan.so we waited and went back after hujan reda.sampai golek2 sambil tengok tv.then tidur dengan nyenyaknya.
the next day,we had breakfast together and started our adventurous journey to Dunia Fantasi or infamously known as Dufan~firstly we warmed up with rajawali.it was a bad choice cause it was already head spinning ride and we were spinning and screaming like banshee.haha!cop2..banshee is female kan?ok adin screamed like vampire then.haha!Addin Cullen..pergh~ok abaikan..hehe
lepas tu, we went to Perang Bintang.even though it was kinda childish but it was totally fun!!main 5-6 kali pun takpe..huhu.after that we played something that you could find in Genting.seats like swings and it would swing you around higher and faster.in Dufan it was called Ontang-Anting.then we walked further and found HALILINTAR!(in Genting:corkscrew) oh!oh!this one is mucho mucho scarier and more screams to hear!!naik DUA kali BERTURUT-TURUT!crazy right?memang adrenaline junkie habis la aku ni.but that was a request from my partner in crime.hehe~bagus.aku dah ada kawan yang sangap adrenaline rush gak.haha!

ketar lutut tak habis terus main Arung Jeram atau nama lainnya Flume Ride (if i'm not mistaken).this one you could find dekat Sunway Lagoon..best!!habis basah aku.adin tak kena pun.cisss kek betul~takpe.ayuh teruskan perjalanan.i saw the game that was currently considered as a phenomenon in Dufan,the notorious HYSTERIA~(apasal aku punya adjectives macam Dufan ni orang jahat?(-_-")sila abaikan.)but since my ally was still new to my "sweet drug",he asked to delay our "escape to the wonderland".ok.so we had a little adrenaline rush through Perahu Ayun.you know..the boat that swings.you could find both in Genting and Sunway Lagoon.but i would still give the award to Sunway Lagoon's.because it was fabulous.you guys should try!but in Dufan it still tickled my tummy.so yes!it was fun!

then i,the one who had been craving for adrenaline rush festival for the day,was nauseated.haha!silly.it was noon already and we still had not take our lunch.and yet we wanted to play more!so we had a ride in Bianglala.a big round thing with lots of seats like gondola attached to it.this one was obviously boring but we rode it just to relax and view the whole place of Dufan before we went to McDonald for lunch.
spent around an hour in line because there were lots of people!weekdays pun ramai ke?sebab ada few companies buat family day.ada ke pergi Dufan?pergilah pantai sana..baru syiiookk~(ayat dengki.jangan layan.)so we sat on the bench by the river near the most thrilling game i ever experienced,TORNADO~seram tak?haha..sengal.ok2,we were eating sambil merancang the next adventure,savouring the sweetness of adrenaline rush through our veins..yumm yummy!frankly,we actually felt nauseous just by watching people being tunggang terbalik by the tornado.like ants kena goncang dalam botol.macam centipedes kena shake pun ada sebab kaki2 manusia itu tergantung2..eeuuuww~~
sambil mengumpul keberanian yang tersisa,kami melangkah lagi meneruskan pengembaraan!because there was a very long queue at the Niagara,we went to other places first.Niagara was like a boat and you would go down in a high speed and SPLASH!!hehe..ok2.before that we went to Rumah Miring.ohh memang mereng otak kau masuk sini..it's a house.tapi senget..macam bangunan yang runtuh.nanti rasa macam nak jatuh jalan dalam rumah tu..memang senget..haha!keluar dari situ masuk House of Glass Maze atau Lorong Sesat.tadela sesat mana pun.tapi ok la..

after that we had a cup ride~the ride name was Poci-Poci.oh.oh. Adin cakap bosan la.macam budak kecik la.sekali dia yang seronok main and turn the cup right and left like driving a car or something.hahaha~then we had our Niagara ride.it was a very.very.very long queue.ok.a bit nervous.but nothing to be scared of =) .then we went to Istana Boneka.hoho.MACAM BUDAK KECIK!tapi layan jela kan.dah memang untuk budak kecik pun.gatal nak tengok jugak siapa suruh.haha~masuk situ macam belajar geography and kajian tempatan.agak tak puas hati dengan Malaysia punya section.aiikk?letak chinese je ke?kitorang multiracial kot~~haih..tak baik racist tau.menyampah!
berikut adalah antara wajah2 "bosan" adin sewaktu bermain Poci-Poci.hehe..
since dah petang,kitorang dengan segera pergi beratur for Tornado because Adin was still nervous for Hysteria.ohh~memang rasa nak gugur jantung hanya dengan melihat orang meraung2 di atas Tornado..wawawa~sampai sapu2 minyak cap kapak lagi.haha~memang thrill habis! freaky! creepy! scary! curry! lorry! semua ada! haha~Addin Cullen terus transform jadi Addin Salvatore.haha!TOTALLY AWESOME!ultimate sweet adrenaline escape people!!
the sky was getting dark and it was dusk already.so we had our last ride on the Hysteria.a game like Space Shot in Genting.but in Genting it's higher and the acceleration was only downward.but for Hysteria it was upward and downward!so it's crazier than you could ever imagine.hehe..
there you go..pengalaman yang mengasyikkan!atau kata orang tempatan seru banget deh!!gambar2 naik Halilintar and Tornado masih belum scan.sila bersabar dengan sekadar gambar2 kamera cikai daku ye?huhu..
the next day we continued our journey to Atlantis..hah?Atlantis the lost city??nak tahu lebih lanjut.tunggu next post ok?kejap je lagi aku post la..haha~
haa..begitulah kisahnya..mmm memang ada part 2,tapi yang saya nak kongsi cerita cuma part 1 je..hehe..ok la kan encik amir syahir yaakob..ok la..to all contestants..especially Anum sayang!good luck!
seterusnya kawan2 blogger yang saya nak tag..[kalau sempat..korang buat la ye!!]