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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Letter for Arman El Kamil

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 Dearest gentle readers,

Today is my firstborn's 8th birthday. Happy birthday Arman El Kamil!

You are my son, my beloved firstborn. I know I haven't been the best mommy and yet you still love me. Thank you for being my son. You made me a mother. All of your firsts are mine too. Mommy is always proud of you my dear. No matter what, I always love you. It may seem I'm a little harsh towards you, but please bare with me.. One day you I hope you will understand that I have been meaning well and hoping the best for you and nothing else. 

I pray that you will be protected from any harm, physically, emotionally, and socially too! You have been always showing the tough side (stubbornness from me I think) but I know deep down, you are as soft-hearted as your daddy. 

To be honest, I don't know why, I do see you like the little me. And I meant to make sure that you get what I never got, and the better of them! It's not right to have this idea, I don't know. I'm sorry, but, believe me, this is for your own good, darling. May Allah guide me to be the best mother for you and your siblings. I have so many things to tell you. I hope to tell you later. 

I love you, Son..let's make this short. 


Happy birthday Arman El Kamil!

Arman El Kamil


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