cabbage, carrot, mayonnaise, milk, limes, vinegar, salt and sugar
first, mince the cabbage.
put them into a big bowl
then, mince the carrot
and mix with the cabbage
add mayonnaise. a lot of it.
and some milk *can you see the low fat sign?hehe*
squeeze some lime juice.
a little bit of salt and sugar.
wrap with the plastic wrapper and cool it in the fridge.
that is what i call resepi yang mudah,tepat, ringkas, cepat, dan padat!korang boleh beli ayam goreng, or goreng ayam sendiri, then makan dengan coleslaw ni together with sos cili thai..macam KFC kan? tak payah bazir duit korang beli KFC. gunalah duit tu untuk shopping ke, belanja i ke..hehe..kidding. baik korang guna duit tu untuk beli buku, lagi elok!
so sorry sebab simple sangat..tak ada measurement pun..sebab badan dah letih sangat. sudah tiba masanya beta beradu..hihi. you guys agak2 la ye..kalau ada terkurang rasa, tambah2 la mana yang patut.huhu..selamat mencuba!
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