semalam terhantuk kepala dekat meja lab masa dengar briefing kat ruang tengah A5 tu..dah benjol..sakit tu..entah macam mana boleh terhantuk,saya pun kurang pasti.kumaha teu kauninga ku abdi aya meja di dinya...ayeuna parantos rieut pisan..haa..terus cakap sunda sebab hit kepala,dah pening.haha~tak tau la betul tidak,tapi saya nak cakap : bagaimana tak terlihat oleh saya ada meja di sana..sekarang sudah sakit kepala sangat..memang jauh benar bahasa sunda ni dari bahasa lain.senang je..tapi malas nak belajar bahasa ni..nanti2 la..ok.kepala dah sakit lagi..homework pun banyak kena buat..bagus2..mari menjadi rajin!nanti2 saya datang cerita2 lagi ok?bye~
p/s: bahasa keturunan bahasa jawa pun saya tak pandai lagi..adoyai~
Saturday, February 19, 2011
rindu zaman sekolah.
rindu zaman kolej.
rindu kawan2.
rindu teman2.
rindu sangat..
tapi tak nak masa dulu berulang lagi.
cukup sekali.
tak mahu tinggalkan yang sedia kumiliki.
takkan pernah aku pergi dari sini.
syukur kupanjat padaNya.
akhirnya kutemui dia.
yang tak peduli lidah manusia.
hanya dengar suara hati penuh cinta.
yakin dan reda tanam di dada.
hingga kini,kita masih bersama.
tapi malam ini,aku rindu lagi.
dengan gelak teman.
oleh usikan kawan.
yang tak pernah aku lupakan.
alahai..rindu saja..
tak salahkan?
Siti Khadijah,9.57 malam.
Bandung, Indonesia.
rindu zaman kolej.
rindu kawan2.
rindu teman2.
rindu sangat..
tapi tak nak masa dulu berulang lagi.
cukup sekali.
tak mahu tinggalkan yang sedia kumiliki.
takkan pernah aku pergi dari sini.
syukur kupanjat padaNya.
akhirnya kutemui dia.
yang tak peduli lidah manusia.
hanya dengar suara hati penuh cinta.
yakin dan reda tanam di dada.
hingga kini,kita masih bersama.
tapi malam ini,aku rindu lagi.
dengan gelak teman.
oleh usikan kawan.
yang tak pernah aku lupakan.
alahai..rindu saja..
tak salahkan?
Siti Khadijah,9.57 malam.
Bandung, Indonesia.
secret passwords
reminiscing in memory lane
my Glade spray
good morning to all lovely people~today i feel like writing again.and i'd like to share a story about my Glade spray.hehe.tak ada kerja apa nak bercerita pasal Glade?alaa..biarlah..aku kan suka cakap benda tak berfaedah ni.dah kepala aku asyik2 fikir pasal dia je,biarlah aku tulis kat sini.boleh la space dalam minda aku yang dok fikir pasal Glade tu guna untuk belajar peptic ulcer ke GERD ke kan?
ok2.cerita bermula dah lama dah..sebab dah lama aku cari Glade spray ni..haa,bukan yang dalam tin,manual spray tu..yang automatic tu..aku tak tau la kalau hidung aku yang sensitif sangat ke apa ke,sebab kalau pakai manually spray tu,aku rasa scent dia tu macam padat amat.sampai sakit hidung i.kalau yang automatic tu,scent dia tak ada la faint,tak kuat jugak.yang sedang2 saja~*nyanyi dangdut sikit..ewah!*
then, aku dah lama tanya kat Superindo kat Jatos tu,sampai la tahun lepas dia bagitau yang memang tak ada.kalau hang habaq kat che awal2 kan senang..adoyai~aku pun tanya la awal2 kan..*ketuk kepala sendiri* nak dijadikan cerita aku jumpa benda ni kat Carrefour Kiara Condong..nama dia Glade Sense&Spray..punyalah excited.balik2 terus pasang..hehe..
bila aku balik dari kelas je,dia spray.bila aku bangun tidur nak pergi toilet je,dia spray..amboi,busuk sangat ke asyik nak spray time aku lalu.cis kek sungguh!
tapi akhirnya baru aku teringat mechanism of action Glade aku..dia hanya spray every 30 minutes when it senses any,whenever i'm out of the room,or sleep at night,it doesn't spray because it doesn't detect any,bila aku bangun pagi je,memang la sesungguhnya dia spray sesegera mungkin bila aku lalu.sungguh efficient kerja Glade ini..terima kasih atas kerja keras anda selama ini..sayang kamu~
*dan aku fikir sebab aku busuk??what the..(=_=")*
secret passwords
scribble without scruple
malas nak tulis..nak nyanyi jeee!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
p/s: bila kau jauh, aku selalu rindu..
bila kau ada, hatikan berbunga..
secret passwords
it's all about L.O.V.E
menyanyi sesuka hati
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
p/s: kamu benar membuatku tergila-gila,ke langit jadinya..=)
secret passwords
it's all about L.O.V.E
cuti yang malas
Saturday, February 12, 2011
bonjour!ok people.there's nothing exciting to share anyway.i've spent most of my time watching anime and movies and also drama series.oh,i got myself a new's xperia X8.very affordable.iPhone?oh..akhirnya iPhone 4 dah keluar.tapi belajar kat Bandung bukan dapat 800 USD sebulan ye?jadi kita beli la seadanya.tak apa.nanti dah jadi doktor,macam2 model yang keluar.pakai la apa pun..=)
i've been thinking of sharing any of the thoughts in my mind with you guys.but i just don't know which one.huhu.and i don't feel like writing.but today,i said to myself that i must write here i am.=)
i've just realised that i'm not good in cooking.hihi.seriously,i'm not good.i can cook but i'm not a good cook.especially the sweet stuff albeit i love them all the time.hence,i'm thinking of taking classes,baking classes,when i've finished my study while waiting for the placement.i know it's kind of late,but better late than never.age is not a hurdle to stop you from doing things you wanna do.even if i don't have the chance later,i will still find the chance to learn,maybe from someone who's good in baking.=)
sekarang semangat nak masak dah berkobar2.nak masak lunch pulak.tapi hari ni kita masak simple2 je la ye,fridge dah kosong.hehe.toodles!
i've been thinking of sharing any of the thoughts in my mind with you guys.but i just don't know which one.huhu.and i don't feel like writing.but today,i said to myself that i must write here i am.=)
i've just realised that i'm not good in cooking.hihi.seriously,i'm not good.i can cook but i'm not a good cook.especially the sweet stuff albeit i love them all the time.hence,i'm thinking of taking classes,baking classes,when i've finished my study while waiting for the placement.i know it's kind of late,but better late than never.age is not a hurdle to stop you from doing things you wanna do.even if i don't have the chance later,i will still find the chance to learn,maybe from someone who's good in baking.=)
sekarang semangat nak masak dah berkobar2.nak masak lunch pulak.tapi hari ni kita masak simple2 je la ye,fridge dah kosong.hehe.toodles!
secret passwords
i want to be a doctor,
the perky and happy me
tiada bertajuk
Sunday, February 6, 2011
alamak.rasa bersalah pulak marah2 di pagi hari.patut ke aku delete je post tadi?ok aku edit je sekejap lagi.rasa dah semakin tua dan dewasa la..bila marah2 ni terasa childish pulak.but i have to admit that i really have a short can't be helped.take it from my dad.and my mom always reminds me to control my temper.well,she never fails to amaze me with her could she put up with my dad for 17 years.haha!
saya harus bersikap optimis dan tidak marah2 lagi.sabar itu sebahagian daripada iman..jadi,belajarlah bersabar dengan hidup di sini.tak lama je lagi..=)
"sabar ye sayang..lagi 2 tahun setengah je lagi..lepas ni kita balik terus ok?"
dia je yang boleh sejukkan hati saya.terima kasih.happy 6th day~
saya harus bersikap optimis dan tidak marah2 lagi.sabar itu sebahagian daripada iman..jadi,belajarlah bersabar dengan hidup di sini.tak lama je lagi..=)
"sabar ye sayang..lagi 2 tahun setengah je lagi..lepas ni kita balik terus ok?"
dia je yang boleh sejukkan hati saya.terima kasih.happy 6th day~
secret passwords
the perky and happy me
diclofenac sodium 50mg enteric coated -edited
this drug is indicated for inflammatory and degenerative forms of rheumatism,rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis,osteoarthrosis,and is also used in patients with complaint of painful syndromes of the vertebral column,non-articular rheumatism and acute attacks of gout.this drug can occasionally cause gastrointestinal disorders; headache,dizziness,vertigo; rash; elevation of serum transaminases. i the one to be blamed or the doctor himself?it's a long story.i don't want to waste the time talking about unnecessary've asked whether or not i'm having gastric.why didn't you prescribe along with omeprazole?it's really painful.i feel like someone has kicked me at the stomach with a pointed boot or something.why didn't i care to check on the drug before taking it?because i trust the time.i'll check the meds myself before leaving the clinic.
am still having the pain from last night.not taking that meds anymore.i'd rather put on balm on my back.okthanksforreadingbye.
p/s: this post has been edited. ;P
p.p/s: kind of's a simply painkiller.why does it have such side effects?
p.p.p/s: and it's so irony.painkiller should have killed the pain,not exacerbate it.=) i the one to be blamed or the doctor himself?it's a long story.i don't want to waste the time talking about unnecessary've asked whether or not i'm having gastric.why didn't you prescribe along with omeprazole?it's really painful.i feel like someone has kicked me at the stomach with a pointed boot or something.why didn't i care to check on the drug before taking it?because i trust the time.i'll check the meds myself before leaving the clinic.
am still having the pain from last night.not taking that meds anymore.i'd rather put on balm on my back.okthanksforreadingbye.
p/s: this post has been edited. ;P
p.p/s: kind of's a simply painkiller.why does it have such side effects?
p.p.p/s: and it's so irony.painkiller should have killed the pain,not exacerbate it.=)
secret passwords
i want to be a doctor,
scribble without scruple
mengomel di pagi hari
Saturday, February 5, 2011
bonjour~pagi2 ni terasa nak membebel sekejap.huhu.tiba2 je terfikir kenapa orang suka cakap lain,buat lain?nak kata talam dua muka tak sampai hati pulak.tak pasti kenapa.tak percaya?
situasi 1:
X : aku suka habis kat yuna!
Y : oh ye ke?aku tak minat ah kat yuna tu..
tiba2 yuna lalu...
X : haa!!tu yuna!aku nak tangkap gambar dengan dia!
Y : haa?mana2??
**selesai bergambar**
X : kau kata kau tak minat yuna..apasal kau yang paling sibuk sangat nak diri sebelah dia?*dengan muka bengang*
situasi 2:
A : aku suka pakai style ni..memang bergaya la kan?
B : tak suka style bajet2 yuna..poyo je..
A : ke?ok..tatau nak cakap apa daa..
A pulang,bukak FB..nampak gambar2 B bergaya style2 yuna..
A : WTF?!
cukuplah 2 contoh tu..tak payah banyak2..setiap hari kita buat perkara macam ni tanpa kita sedar.depan kawan kita,kita cakap baik punya lentok.dalam blog kita perli2 diorang pulak kan?aku memang buat pada sesetengah least aku mengaku.tak macam sesetengah manusia yang buat muka tak baik tau buat macam tu..buat orang meluat.
anda menilai orang lain daripada pelbagai segi..tengok dia pakai sopan tak,tengok dia punya bahasa,tengok pergaulan dia..anda menilai segalanya tentang dia.tapi pernah tak anda menilai diri sendiri?kalau anda kata sudah,memang sah tak habis muhasabah lagi ni.
macam ni la kan,kalau ye pun nak perli,tak payah la direct sangat.kalau orang tu faham alhamdulillah.kalau kau tak refer dia tapi dia yang terperasan dan terasa,nak buat macam mana la kan?siapa makan cili,dialah yang terasa pedasnya.kalau kau tak buat/cakap,takkan kau terasa,ye tak?
haa..baik punya aku perli,ada orang terasa tak?kalau ada orang terasa jugak aku tak tau la nak kata apa..punya discreet dan penuh sopan santun aku sampaikan.tak menyentuh mana2 pihak pun..kalau masih terasa mungkin anda pernah/selalu/sedang melakukannya?hehehe.
kesimpulannya,kita buat apa yang kita cakap.kita bertindak seperti apa yang kita canang2kan pada orang.cakap lain,buat lain.jangankan aku yang banyak muka ni ha..talam pun tak banyak muka macam kau!
nasihat aku untuk korang2 semua : lu pikirla sendiri!
p/s: guna yuna sebagai contoh sebab tengah dengar lagu dia sambil typing..;P oh ya,aku memang suka kat dia.
p.p/s: aku PERNAH suka newboyz,aku masih suka hindustan,dan aku happy dengan tu semua.ada masalah?
situasi 1:
X : aku suka habis kat yuna!
Y : oh ye ke?aku tak minat ah kat yuna tu..
tiba2 yuna lalu...
X : haa!!tu yuna!aku nak tangkap gambar dengan dia!
Y : haa?mana2??
**selesai bergambar**
X : kau kata kau tak minat yuna..apasal kau yang paling sibuk sangat nak diri sebelah dia?*dengan muka bengang*
situasi 2:
A : aku suka pakai style ni..memang bergaya la kan?
B : tak suka style bajet2 yuna..poyo je..
A : ke?ok..tatau nak cakap apa daa..
A pulang,bukak FB..nampak gambar2 B bergaya style2 yuna..
A : WTF?!
cukuplah 2 contoh tu..tak payah banyak2..setiap hari kita buat perkara macam ni tanpa kita sedar.depan kawan kita,kita cakap baik punya lentok.dalam blog kita perli2 diorang pulak kan?aku memang buat pada sesetengah least aku mengaku.tak macam sesetengah manusia yang buat muka tak baik tau buat macam tu..buat orang meluat.
anda menilai orang lain daripada pelbagai segi..tengok dia pakai sopan tak,tengok dia punya bahasa,tengok pergaulan dia..anda menilai segalanya tentang dia.tapi pernah tak anda menilai diri sendiri?kalau anda kata sudah,memang sah tak habis muhasabah lagi ni.
macam ni la kan,kalau ye pun nak perli,tak payah la direct sangat.kalau orang tu faham alhamdulillah.kalau kau tak refer dia tapi dia yang terperasan dan terasa,nak buat macam mana la kan?siapa makan cili,dialah yang terasa pedasnya.kalau kau tak buat/cakap,takkan kau terasa,ye tak?
haa..baik punya aku perli,ada orang terasa tak?kalau ada orang terasa jugak aku tak tau la nak kata apa..punya discreet dan penuh sopan santun aku sampaikan.tak menyentuh mana2 pihak pun..kalau masih terasa mungkin anda pernah/selalu/sedang melakukannya?hehehe.
kesimpulannya,kita buat apa yang kita cakap.kita bertindak seperti apa yang kita canang2kan pada orang.cakap lain,buat lain.jangankan aku yang banyak muka ni ha..talam pun tak banyak muka macam kau!
nasihat aku untuk korang2 semua : lu pikirla sendiri!
![]() |
Bandung Games'10 |
p/s: guna yuna sebagai contoh sebab tengah dengar lagu dia sambil typing..;P oh ya,aku memang suka kat dia.
p.p/s: aku PERNAH suka newboyz,aku masih suka hindustan,dan aku happy dengan tu semua.ada masalah?
secret passwords
scribble without scruple
Friday, February 4, 2011
..dengan esprit.
size s dah habis.
aku kecewa sangat.
hari ni semua benda tak menjadi.
sedih betul.
tapi akan terus bertahan.
berusaha lola!
lagi sikit je!
size s dah habis.
aku kecewa sangat.
hari ni semua benda tak menjadi.
sedih betul.
tapi akan terus bertahan.
berusaha lola!
lagi sikit je!
secret passwords
i want to be a doctor
kisah aku dan blender
aku beli blender.hehe.dah 2 tahun setengah tinggal kat indonesia,baru nak beli blender.apakah?well,better late than never right?sweet kan my blender?it's yellow in colour!'s a local brand,i think.but the brand name sounds so japanese-miyako.tak kisah la.janji dah ada blender sendiri so that i don't have to borrow from others anymore.weeee~
bahan perasmi-onion! |
lepas ni bunyi blender je la.. |
p/s: sebenarnya the other day i broke naeim's blender.
he put it in a torn paper bag.haha!
so,i bought him one.the same like the old one.
and i get myself a new one too,plastic container of course!
secret passwords
the perky and happy me
hari yang gembira
Thursday, February 3, 2011
alhamdulillah..hari ni rasa gembira.tak tau la kenapa,sedangkan pagi tadi rasa macam tak ada hidup je lagaknya.walaupun hari ni dah buat perkara yang tak sepatutnya ok aku tak rasa gembira pasal ni,tapi secara kesuluruhannya,hari ni aku gembira.tambah lagi malam ni nak keluar makan dengan budak2 F4..haa..dah macam keluar dengan artis bukan artis ye..nama kumpulan tutorial ni..jangan fikir ni geng mana pulak apa macam segala.aku tak ada geng.geng aku adin je.nak pergi kampung daun.tempat tu cantik.dan sejuk.aku suka.almaklumlah,nak pergi negara orang putih tak mampu lagi,pergilah tempat yang boleh buat aku jadi putih sebab pucat akibat sejuk.haha!aku nak bercerita panjang2,tapi bahu aku ni tak mengizinkan.dengki betul dia dengan aku.tak apa.aku tengah suasana ceria riang ria rejoice,jadi aku maafkan.hehe.=)
p/s:semalam rasa satu kejayaan bila berjaya menghalang diri dari berbelanja (read=untuk diri sendiri).tapi hari ni rasa rugi tak beli.
p.p/s:tekad betul nak pergi BSM lagi sebab nak beli harem pants tu.dah lama aku aim satu.this time aku tak mahu menyesal.hihi.adin,jom pergi esok!apa?tak boleh?ok,kita pergi lusa. ;P
p/s:semalam rasa satu kejayaan bila berjaya menghalang diri dari berbelanja (read=untuk diri sendiri).tapi hari ni rasa rugi tak beli.
p.p/s:tekad betul nak pergi BSM lagi sebab nak beli harem pants tu.dah lama aku aim satu.this time aku tak mahu menyesal.hihi.adin,jom pergi esok!apa?tak boleh?ok,kita pergi lusa. ;P
secret passwords
the perky and happy me
tora datang lagi!!~
ok.tiada motif sungguh tajuk entry ni.hehe.sorry's just that recently,a thought has often crossed my mind.i want to be "in the underground" for sometime.back off from's kind of lame and stupid.but i really don't know why.sigh.but,i can't.the purpose i come back to this net world is that my friends want me to.seriously,i've made an FB account just for the sake of a friend of mine that asked me to do so.and for God sake,we (adin and me) made a joint account!gila pemalas kan?i love pretty pictures,so i've made a tumblr account.i have the urgency to write my feelings,or else i'll die,so i blog them.i need to babble stupid things from time to time,so i made a twitter account.formspring la,apa laa lagi..sigh again.
why can't i deactivate all of my social network accounts:
1- from time to time,my friends come to bandung.they need my help in accommodation etc.
2- i love to see happy faces of my friends.
3- i need to know about my friends' updates.
4- some of my family members already have FB accounts.i don't want to answer their "WHYs"
5- i love reading my friends' least i know how they feel.
and the list goes on and all i can do is to be silent.just looking at the pictures without commenting.sometimes i'd give comments but just as a reminder to my friends that i'm still alive.i'm happy in my own tiny world,surrounded by strangers here.but i'm a lot happier to see my friends' smiles.looking good in pretty dresses during summer.have a vacation with bf on a star cruise.go travel around europe.make a snowman during winter.i'm honestly happy to see them with their new friends,albeit sometimes i envied those new friends cause it was me who once with them.but i'm cool with that.because we grow new people around the world.see beautiful different languages.we live our life.and i'm living mine to the extent that i don't want to regret when i'm,like what,69.i don't wanna say i wish i did this and i went there or i tasted that.i wanna feel is all about i right?
why can't i deactivate all of my social network accounts:
1- from time to time,my friends come to bandung.they need my help in accommodation etc.
2- i love to see happy faces of my friends.
3- i need to know about my friends' updates.
4- some of my family members already have FB accounts.i don't want to answer their "WHYs"
5- i love reading my friends' least i know how they feel.
and the list goes on and all i can do is to be silent.just looking at the pictures without commenting.sometimes i'd give comments but just as a reminder to my friends that i'm still alive.i'm happy in my own tiny world,surrounded by strangers here.but i'm a lot happier to see my friends' smiles.looking good in pretty dresses during summer.have a vacation with bf on a star cruise.go travel around europe.make a snowman during winter.i'm honestly happy to see them with their new friends,albeit sometimes i envied those new friends cause it was me who once with them.but i'm cool with that.because we grow new people around the world.see beautiful different languages.we live our life.and i'm living mine to the extent that i don't want to regret when i'm,like what,69.i don't wanna say i wish i did this and i went there or i tasted that.i wanna feel is all about i right?
rock my world!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
i went through my respiratory system exam in pain.i don't know what caused my tummy to be in such a cramping pain,worse than period pain i tell you.sorry ibu if i disappointed you.i couldn't do much about it.anyway,me and adin watched a movie titled rock star.kinda cool,except for certain nude scenes.besides that,it's cool.i've even downloaded a few of the soundtracks from the shoulder is gonna kill me someday,i's extremely painful.i guess i can only endure it.anyhow,thanks to Allah that we passed our oral test the other are free tomorrow.teehee~we plan to do some shopping.adin wants a pair of new futsal shoes.and he's run out of his perfume.i'm going to buy a blender.hehe.of all things,why blender lola..haha~.and we're gonna celebrate an early 6th day,since we have exams on 7th and 8th and thanks to our faculty administration,we have to call off our trip to Bali!yeah.thanks for wasting our money!please do everything as you please.i am so tired trying to put up with this kind of people.enough said.really not in the mood.
secret passwords
i want to be a doctor,
the perky and happy me
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