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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

special untuk yananana =)

Friday, December 17, 2010

hi yana~lola nak dedicate this song untuk yana..since the first time i heard this song,terus teringat kat yana.huhu..bertahan ye? LDR memang payah,tapi kalau akhirnya nanti bahagia,mesti berbaloi segala perasaan sakit rindu tu kan?please enjoy the song..=)

p/s : Alhamdulillah..cintaku ada di depan mata..=)

p.p/s : dedicate to all my fellow friends too..i miss you guys so much..forgive me for being so far for too long..

2 pssstt:

yananana said...

huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. suka lagu nih! how come yana tak pernah tau pun. huuuu. thanks dear lola :)
i love the song to bits!

hee, tbe2 rse sgn, mst sbb lola asyk dgr yna mngeluh je kn bf jauh, smpi awak teringat yana bile dgr lgu nih. ngehngeh

Lola MK said...

eh x laa..~~hehe..
lola suke je...
sbab kalo kudin jauh..
lola pn buat d same thing mcm yana~

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