people can call me "poyo" cause i act like me whatever you what?one thing that this kind of people must bear in mind : i will never treat them like that if this kind of thing happened to's not nice you heart is aching, burning each time you people mocking me.hold back my tears, not to cry and look childish in front of you guys.
i'm trying to be strong here,not to worry and think the most stupid thing that might stop act like you guys are totally cool (cause you're not) and i ain't just another silly girl who is falling in love head over heels with my bf, so PLEASE..i beg you.if you just can't hold back your tongue,then just get out of my sight,you don't have to tell me things that hurt me.thank you, but no thanks!
p/s: spending my time watching movies.nice.=)
2 pssstt:
emo nmpk,
chillex la,
xkan dah rindu kot br 2-3 hari,
insyaAllah dia selamat..
the hell with what people said,
but dont waste your free holiday time with worrying somethin that supposed to be unworried thing..
p/s:jom buat group party..pick time & place, ada yg balik msia ke?
ohh..thank u..pasal de org blik mlysia ke tak,aku tak tau la plak.rase cm tade.haa..ko plan kn la weh..aku boring arini aku kite g mkn2 dan bsukaria kt bsm nk?huhu,tp ni suggestion akuje la..
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